Grades Or Levels Of Pulled Or Strained biceps femoris Muscles
There are three grades or levels of strained, pulled or torn hamstring muscles. This can happen after an excessive tearing or stretching of the muscle fibers in any muscle in the hamstring muscle group.Grade One
Grade one biceps femoris or hamstring muscle strains are the least severe. Grade one will leave you with a cramp or tightness and some pain when they are in use or contracted.
Grade Two
With grade two pulled biceps femoris or hamstring muscles the pain is more severe and immediate than a level 1 strain. There is also more severe pain when one or more of the hamstring muscles are contracted or bent.
Grade Three
Grade three is far more severe than either of the first two and usually means the one or more muscles in the hamstring group have been either severely strained or even torn.
A grade three strained or torn muscle will result in a stabbing or burning sensation which may permeate throughout the rest of the hamstring muscles and it may not be even be possible to walk on the affected leg without feeling sharp or severe pain.
With a level 3 tear, the biceps femoris or other hamstring muscles have usually been torn through, sometimes leaving a lump of torn muscles and/or tendons.